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Running an

The Integral is where you create your API handlers. A single Integral can handle multiple traditional API requests as defined by your prompt


You need to setup your environment before creating Integral

How to Run Integral

You can run your Integral by calling the REST API endpoint or by testing locally using the CLI tool

Testing locally

First make sure you have the latest version by pulling remote version

reasonai api pull

Next run the test command and follow the prompts to test locally

reasonai api run <yourAPIName>

The command will ask you for a full message to send to the API. Your message should include values for any function variables if any


You can also test the Integral on the web console

Given the example API below, we could formulate a message as follows:

  "name": "charactersAPI",
  "instruction": "Given an employee id, you call a function to get the employee data"
  "model": "gpt-4o-mini",
  "responseFormat": "json_object",
  "tools": [
      "name": "getEmployeeDataById",
      "type": "function"

Message: get data for employee with id 123

With OpenAI models, you can specify the format of the response in the instruction or even the request message With Anthropic however, it is best to let a function return the desired response if you are not getting the correct JSON.

Reason Integral attempts to extract json from the response if you have set the responseFormat to JSON on the API

That's it. Your Integral is deployed and live


To learn more on effective prompt generations, click here

Running Live

The live API is available by calling the Reason AI endpoint:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your api key here>" \
  -d '{
    "apiId": "<copy from ./reason/.meta.json>",
    "messages": [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "what is the starsign of a person born in April 1992"

You should receive results similar to:

  "id": "<your-api-id>",
  "threadId": "thread_6zY61bNiZX08Yt15MVolgaue",
  "messages": {
    "id": "msg_54vENtcnHHojV8sBL7HkB7ol",
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": "{\"sign\":\"Aries\"}"



To see the full API reference for running your Integral, click here

Next Steps

You've learned how to run an Integral