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Reason Function Configuration

This section shows the Reason Function configuration object, the fields in it and what values they accept


Reference object for configuring an Reason Function. We support configurations in both YAML and JSON depending on what you chose when setting up your CLI. However, it is recommended to use JSON for Reason Functions since they use JSON schema for the parameters field


The model you choose combined with instructions and linked Reason Functions directly contribute to your cost Learn to write concie prompts here

    // Required: true
    // Give a name to your Function.
    // This name will be passed to generative model, so make it as
    // relevant and descriptive as possible. Cannot contain spaces
    "name": "string"

    // Required: true
    // Give a meaninful descrition to the function,
    // Will be passed to the model
    "descrition": "string"

    // Required: true
    // Invocation is used to provide information on
    // the external service that will be called
    // See invocation definition below for more
    "invocation": Record<string, ...>

    // Required: false
    // Use the parameters object to pass input parameters
    // to the function and to the model
    // See below for examples
    "paramters": JSON Schema


The invocation field specifies how the function will be called/ invoked

    // Required: true
    // Represents the type of service the function is going to call
    "type": "rest_api|serverless_function"

    // Required: if type === "rest_api"
    // Use this to provide more info about rest_api Functions
    // When a string is passed, it should be a valid URL
    // When the URL object is passed, it should be resolvable to a valid URL
    "rest_api": "string" | {
        // the URL of the API to be called
        url: "string"
        // supports pramters from the RequestInfo object including
        // headers, body, method...

    // Required: if type === "serverless_function"
    // Identifier of ther serverless_function to call
    // For AWS, use the lambda functions's ARN
    "serverless_function_id": "string"

    // Required: if type === "serverless_function"
    // Specify which provider is providing the service
    "provider": "aws|gcp|azure"


if you pass an object to the rest_api field on invocation, it should match the following:

    // Required: true
    // Valid URL of the api endpoint
    // Supports variables e.g{cityName}
    // where cityName is an input to the function
    "url": "string"

    // Optional HTTP request method
    "method" :"GET|POST|..."

    // Optional request headers
    "headers": Record<string, string>

    // Optional request body
    // if it is object, it should be json serializable
    // You should also set content type to application/json in headers
    "body": string | Record<string, any>


the parameters field should be a valid JSON Schema. Visit to learn more.


The root object passed to parameters must be of type object

Below are some examples:

  "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "cityName": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "The name of the city who's temperature we are getting, given as a simple string"
    "required": ["cityName"]